The Impact of the Nuclear Age on Native Americans

Lanterns for Peace Presentation on the Impacts of the Nuclear Age on Native Americans

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A picture tells a thousand words

Here is some great content thanks to Susan Ruggles.
SLR Images
Pizza by the Peace -
Project Unspeakable -
18th Annual MLK Justice Program -
Armistice Day 100th Anniversary Program -
Peace Action Annual Meeting 2018 -
Kathy Kelly Speaks out on Yemen -
Lanterns for Peace 2018 -
The YouTube video links can be shared on social media and/or posted on the website.
“The Dove of Peace” -
Project Unspeakable Song -
18th Annual MLK Justice Program Highlights  -
Honoring Civil Rights Leaders -
Commemorating Vel Phillips -
When Silence Is Betrayal -
Those Who Went to Jail for Justice -
The Power of Nonviolence -
The Fight for 15 -
March to King Statue -
An Evening with Kathy Kelly -
“Peace Train” by Julie Ann Lovely Thompson -
Armistice Day: Janan Najeeb -
Armistice Day: John LaForge -
Armistice Day: Reggie Jackson -
“Soldiers” -
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Dove of Peace

Friends, my new video in partnership with Susan Ruggles, 'The Dove Of 
created in solidarity with those urging thorough, impartial 
investigation, diplomacy, negotiation,
the hard, rewarding work of peace-making, instead of the disastrous rush 
to war,
leading to the ongoing catastrophes in Iraq and elsewhere.

This is the 8th Ruggles/Taylor co-creation, all aspiring to contribute 
something positive
to very difficult challenges around social justice, environmental, 
pro-peace, and related concerns.

If interested, you can access them all on my website:

May we all do our best to make a difference

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The Kingian Way | Nonviolent Civil Disobedience

Every time we hear the news, we are struck by the tragic politics of our country’s leaders. This, along with the epidemic of violence, poverty, racism, injustice, environmental destruction and war, is evil and oppressive.

Dr. King stated, “First, non-violence is resistance to evil and oppression. It is a human way to fight back.”

Martin Luther King Junior

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North and South Korea Taking Important Steps to Demilitarize the Korean Peninsula

We have recently witnessed some remarkable steps toward peace by the two Koreas, including a joint declaration for an official end to the Korean War and the beginning of negotiating a peace treaty. And President Kim has been invited to visit Seoul in South Korea in the near future, an historic first.

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Struggle for A World Without Walls

Israeli Separation WallIsraeli Separation Wall

The walls rise up in the dry arid land, marching over the hills, cutting through cities and towns, destroying farmlands, ancient orchards, wetlands, tribal lands, nature preserves. They are punctuated by watchtowers, border patrols and soldiers, keeping people from crossing arbitrary lines in the sand. Those who dare to attempt an illegal crossing are shot or imprisoned. Some are shot just for being near the wall. It is the same ugly monstrosity in both Palestine and at the US-Mexican border.

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Annual SOAW Vigil at the Border

Peace Action of Wisconsin again endorsed the annual School of the Americas Watch demonstration and vigil in mid-November. For the third year in a row, the event was held at the US-Mexican border in Nogales, Arizona and Nogales, Mexico. In previous years, the gathering was at the gates of Ft. Benning, Georgia, the home of the SOA.

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Our Lobbying Partner - FCNL

Peace Action of Wisconsin is collaborating in our lobbying visits with the Milwaukee Advocacy Team of Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL). FCNL is a Quaker related organization that has worked for peace and justice nationally since 1940. This national grassroots network of 80 advocacy teams is trained to lobby congress, write letters and other forms of advocacy work. Working with other teams increases the effectiveness.

Members of Peace Action have joined the Milwaukee team of FCNL for many visits to Senators Baldwin and Johnson and to Representatives Moore and Sensenbrenner. This year the visits focused on urging them to support legislation that would prevent the president from use of military force in North Korea without the consent of Congress and to allow humanitarian aid to be delivered to North Korea.

In October, Peace Action joined FCNL in a visit to Senator Ron Johnson’s office to oppose US involvement in the war in Yemen. We asked that he work to end this illegal and immoral war.

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Steering Committee Chosen

The 2018 Peace Action of WI Annual Dinner and Chili Supper was a great success. Sixty people came together to eat chili, listen to inspiring music, hear speaker Kevin Martin, president of national Peace Action, and take care of business.

Volunteer of the Year Awards were given to Brian Bunzel, Mary Alice Martines and Patrick Auld. By-laws were amended as proposed, and a report was given on the 2018 activities and status of Peace Action of WI.

A new Steering Committee was chosen by consensus. Members currently serving were confirmed: Tom Seery, George Martin, Julie Enslow, Dan O’Keefe, Sue Cottrell, Mary Laan. New members selected are Christy Breihan, Latoya Emmer, and Chris Jeske.

Thanks to the current Steering Committee retirees for their help, Patrick Auld and Sam Michaels.

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A Chance for Peace in Yemen?

As Yemen turns into the biggest humanitarian crisis on the planet in 100 years and millions face starvation, there may be a spark of hope that the US/ Saudi war on the country may come to an end.

In mid-November Secretary of State Pompeo called to end US mid-air refueling of Saudi fighter jets on their bombing missions but failed to call an end to all US military sales and involvement. On Nov. 1, Pentagon officials, including Secretary of Defense James Mattis, declared that the warring parties in Yemen need to come to the negotiating table and end the conflict within 30 days.

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