: DMSE Turquoise World Peace Symbol Love Flag 3X5 Ft Foot 100%  Polyester 100D Flag UV Resistant (3' X 5' Ft Foot) : Patio, Lawn & Garden

STAND FOR PEACE Saturdays  Noon to 1 PM

        February 15: Sherman/North

        February 22: Brady/Farwell- Global Day of Action to Close Bases

Shut Down thousands of U S military bases at home and around the world!

  • Bases perpetuate colonialism. From Panama to Guam to Puerto Rico to Okinawa to dozens of other locations across the world, militaries have taken valuable land from local populations, pushing out Indigenous people and other poor people, without their consent and without reparations.
  • The cost of U.S. foreign military bases alone is estimated at $80 billion a year.
  • Bases cause environmental damage and climate change. It is well documented at hundreds of sites around the world that military bases leak radioactive elements and toxic “forever chemicals” (PFAS/PFOS) into local water supplies, which has had devastating health consequences for nearby communities.
  • Bases can have violent and harmful impacts on local communities, and bases make locations into targets for attack. Militaries have a notorious legacy of sexual violence, including kidnapping, rape, and murders of women and girls in nearby communities.
  • Bases heighten tensions and provoke war-making
