Lanterns for Peace 2023


Lanterns for Peace

 Lantern Floating Ceremony

Nagasaki Day, August 9, Wednesday 8:00 PM

 Lincoln Park Canoe Launch (Picnic Area 3)

Lincoln Park Access - Milwaukee River |

8:00 PM - Ceremony and floating of Traditional Japanese Lanterns on the Milwaukee River. Teddy Breihan will read a poem by Hibakusha-survivors of the atomic bombs. Julie Enslow will read poetry by Hibakusha.

Abolish Nuclear Weapons! U S join the U N Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons!

Special Thanks to Annette J. Roberts and Joan R. Robertson Fund for World Peace, World Law and Peace Education.

Co-sponsored by Milwaukee End the Wars Coalition, Veterans for Peace Milwaukee Chapter, Milwaukee Antiwar Committee, and the United Nations Association of Milwaukee

Sponsored by Peace Action WI, 414-269-9525, For more information: [email protected]




On Aug 9, 1945, seventy eight years ago today, a bomber crew dropped “Fat Man,” a plutonium bomb, on Nagasaki, Japan, instantly annihilating tens of thousands of innocent civilians and wounding uncountable numbers of others. When Nagasaki was destroyed, it had been only three days since another U.S. atomic bomb, nicknamed “Little Boy,” had decimated Hiroshima.

Over the next two to four months, the effects of the atomic bombings killed between 90,000 and 146,000 people in Hiroshima and 60,000 and 80,000 people in Nagasaki; roughly half occurred on the first day. For months afterward, many people continued to die from the effects of burns, radiation sickness, and injuries, compounded by illness and malnutrition. Though Hiroshima had a sizable military garrison, most of the dead were civilians.

 It’s estimated that the aerial bombings together killed between 129,000 and 226,000 people, most of whom were civilians, but there is no way to know how many people have died from the long-term effects of the bombs since then.

There is still much debate concerning the ethical and legal justification for the bombings.  Supporters claim that the atomic bombings were necessary to bring an end to the war with minimal casualties.

We believe that the bombings were unnecessary for the war's end and the use of that monstrous weapon of mass destruction to destroy a mainly civilian city like Nagasaki was an international war crime and a crime against humanity as defined later by the Nuremberg Tribunal. It was neither morally nor ethically justified.



Lanterns for Peace

 Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 6 PM to 9 PM

New Location Due to Rain

Zao Church, 2319 E Kenwood Blvd, Milwaukee, WI 53211

The Living Room on the first floor

Our program will be the same, except for the Lantern Floating Ceremony.

Lincoln Park - Milwaukee WI - Living New Deal

August 9, Wednesday 8:00 PM

 Lincoln Park Canoe Launch (Picnic Area 3)

8:00 PM - Ceremony and floating of Traditional Japanese Lanterns on the Milwaukee River.  A poem by survivors of the atomic bombs-Hibakusha- will be read by Teddy Breihan.

Lanterns for Peace

Annual commemoration of the atomic bombings of

Hiroshima and Nagasaki


Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 6 PM to 9 PM

Zao Church, 2319 E Kenwood Blvd, Milwaukee, WI 53211

6 PM -  Japanese Lantern-making, folding origami peace cranes, story-telling of “Sadako and the 1000 Paper Cranes.”

7 PM -  Music by Frogwater, with John and Susan Nicholson playing traditional Celtic music, Delta blues and original material.

7:30 PM -  Commemorative Program

  • Reflections on the Atomic Bombings from Hibakusha, survivors of Hiroshima & Nagaski. Presented by Julie Enslow, co-founder of Peace Action Wisconsin.
  • A Tribute to Daniel Ellsberg, whistleblower, anti-nuclear activist, author of “The Doomsday Machine, Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner,” by Pam Richards, Peace Action Wisconsin 
  • Music by Glenn Asch (of the Milwaukee Symphony) and Laurie Asch.
  • The Story of The Golden Rule, the peace sailboat that helped bring about an end to atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons, that will be in Milwaukee Sept. 1 to Sept. 4. Presented by Mark Foreman, Milwaukee Veterans for Peace.

August 9, Wednesday,8 PM, floating of the lanterns at the Lincoln Park Canoe Launch (picnic area 3) A poem by survivors of the atomic bombs-Hibakusha- will be read by Teddy Breihan.

Sponsored by Peace Action WI, 414-269-9525,  for more information:[email protected]

Co-sponsored by Milwaukee End the Wars Coalition, Veterans for Peace Milwaukee Chapter 102, and the United Nations Association of Milwaukee

Special Thanks to Annette J. Roberts and Joan R. Robertson Fund for World Peace, World Law and Peace Education.


If your organization sponsors Lanterns for Peace, your organization will be listed as a sponsor on event announcements and in the program.

Your organization can support Lanterns for Peace by donating money, sharing the event on social media, announcing it within your organization and sharing with your membership lists.


If your organization would like to have a table at the Lanterns for Peace event on August 6, contact Pam Richard at 414-269-9525 or at [email protected]

Tables are $25.00   Bring your own folding table and chair.


Contact Name: __________________________

Organization: ______________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________

Email: _________________________________

Phone: ______________________

Amount enclosed_______________

 In Japan:

The 2023 World Conference against A & H Bombs 

With the Hibakusha, Let Us Achieve a Nuclear Weapon-free, Peaceful and Just World – for the Future of the Humankind and Our Planet

 (Zoom links will be announced later)

Conference Schedule:
August 4 (Fri) – 5 (Sat):        International Meeting (Hiroshima JA Building)
August 6 (Sun):                   Hiroshima Day Rally (Green Arena, Hiroshima Sports Center)

August 7 - 9:                       2023 World Conference against A and H Bombs – Nagasaki
              August 7 (Mon)     Opening Plenary (Nagasaki Shimin Kaikan Gymnasium)

              August 8 (Tue)       Forums/ workshops/ field trips (different venues in Nagasaki City)
              August 9 (Wed)      Nagasaki Day Rally/ Closing Plenary

                                          (Nagasaki Shimin Kaikan Gymnasium)

August 4 (Friday):
International Meeting (First day)

Venue: Hiroshima JA Building (Livestreamed on Zoom)

14:00-14:40 Opening Session
Opening declaration; Introduction of overseas delegates
Organizer’s speech: Noguchi Kunikazu, Co-Chair, Steering Committee

Greetings on behalf of the Hibakusha: Hamasumi Jiro, Assistant Secretary General,
Japan Confederation of A-and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations (Nihon Hidankyo)

Presentation of messages

14:40-18:00 Session I: “Spreading voices of the Hibakusha to the world”
Kodama Michiko, Hibakusha of Hiroshima
Yokoyama Teruko, Hibakusha of Nagasaki

Special report on the Black Rain: Dr. Tamura Kazuyuki, Prof. Emeritus, Hiroshima Univ.

Korean A-Bomb Casualty Association
Abacca Anjain-Maddison, Representative of the Rongelap Islanders,
 the Marshall Islands

August 5 (Saturday)
International Meeting (Second day)

Venue: Hiroshima JA Building (Livestreamed on Zoom)

09:30-12:30  Session II: Prohibition of nuclear weapons and achieving a world without nuclear weapons

Joseph Gerson, Campaign for Peace, Disarmament and Common Security, U.S.
Oleg Bodrov, North-West Russia Peace Movement/ Public Council of the Southern Coast of the Gulf of Finland, Russia

TBC (France)
Lee Jun Kyu, Institute for Unification and Peace Policy, Hanshin University, ROK

Yasui Masakazu, Secretary General, Japan Council against A and H Bombs

12:30-13:30  Lunch break

13:30-17:00  Session III: A nuclear weapon-free, peaceful and just world – Solidarity and actions of civil society
Margaret Engel, Peace Action New York, US
Kate Hudson, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, U.K.

Reiner Braun, No NATO Campaign, Germany/ Former Executive Director, IPB
Ulla Klotzer, Global Women for Peace United against NATO, Finland

Sean Conner, Executive Director, International Peace Bureau (IPB)

17:00-17:30  Closing Session:
Proposal and adoption of the Declaration of the International Meeting

Closing remarks

August 6 (Sunday):

Hiroshima Day Rally

Time: 13:00-15:30 (JST)   Venue: Green Arena, Hiroshima Sports Center
Format:   In-person rally (online livestreaming by Zoom)


Opening song; Opening remarks; Introduction of overseas delegates
Presentation of messages

Organizer’s keynote report: Tomida Koji, Drafting Committee Chair

Greetings by Hiroshima Mayor: Matsui Kazumi, Mayor of Hiroshima (TBC)

Greetings from the Hibakusha: Mimaki Toshiyuki, Co-Chair, Nihon Hidankyo
Guest speaker: Wada Shizuka, Writer/ Co-convenor, Signature campaign to urge the
 Japanese government to join the TPNW
Greetings of solidarity from political parties/ parliamentarians

Special campaign: “Conveying Hibakusha’s voices to the world”: Hiroshima Shinfujin
team’s hearing/recording of Hibakusha’s testimonies; Black Rain survivors; Korean
Prohibition of nuclear weapons/ achieving a world without nuclear weapons –Movements

in nuclear powers and “nuclear umbrella” states

- Abacca Anjain-Maddison, Representative of the Rongelap People, the Marshall Islands

- Vietnamese delegation
- Medical workers union representative, Australia (TBC)

- Corazon Fabros, Nuclear-Free Philippines Coalition/ IPB Co-President
Cultural Program: Chorus “Hiroshima – Rivers of Love” and speech by Nakazawa Misayo

(wife of Nakazawa Keiji, author of the “Barefoot Gen”)
Report from the Scientists Forum

People’s campaign to urge the Japanese government to join the TPNW
Message from Hiroshima (Hiroshima Organizing Committee)

Adoption of a conference declaration

August 7 (Monday):

Opening Plenary, 2023 World Conference against A & H Bombs - Nagasaki

Venue: Nagasaki Shimin Kaikan Gymnasium & Cultural Hall (Livestreamed on Zoom)
Time: 15:00-17:30  Format: In-person rally (online livestreaming by Zoom)

Opening; Opening declaration
Introduction of overseas delegates

Presentation of messages from overseas
Organizer’s keynote report: Tomida Koji, Drafting Committee Chair

Greetings by Nagasaki Mayor: Suzuki Shiro, Mayor of Nagasaki (TBC)
Greetings from the Hibakusha: Tanaka Shigemitsu, Co-Chair, Nihon Hidankyo

Guest speakers:
- Ambassador Alexander Kmentt, Director, Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-

poliferation Department, Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, Austria
- Melba Pria, Ambassador to Japan, United Mexican States

Special report from the NPT 1st Preparatory Committee
Greetings of solidarity from political parties/ parliamentarians

Struggles in nuclear powers and dependent states to achieve a world without nuclear weapons:

- Joseph Gerson, Campaign for Peace, Disarmament and Common Security, U.S.
- Kate Hudson, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, U.K.

- Ulla Klotzer, Global Women for Peace United against NATO, Finland
- Yurii Sheliazhenko, Ukrainian Pacifist Movement

Prepare for Peace, not War—For a Japan to join the TPNW

Special remarks: Kobayashi Setsu, Prof. Emeritus, Keio University
Nationwide Peace March: Through marchers/ International Youth Relay marchers

Cultural Program: Ushijima Kazumi (singer)

August 9 (Wednesday):
Nagasaki Day Rally/ Closing Plenary, 2023 World Conference -Nagasaki

Venue: Nagasaki Shimin Kaikan Gymnasium & Cultural Hall (Livestreamed on Zoom)
Time: 10:30-13:00  Format: In-person rally (online livestreaming by Zoom)

Speeches by guests:
- Nakamitsu Izumi, UN Under-Secretary-General/ High Representative for Disarmament

- (TBC) Representative of Malaysian government
Greetings by guests: Kishimoto Satoko, Mayor of Suginami Ward, Tokyo

Minute of silence (at 11:02)
Special campaign: Conveying Hibakusha’s voices to the world

- Tanaka Terumi, Co-Chair, Nihon Hidankyo
- Abacca Anjain-Maddison, Representative of Rongelap Islanders, Former Senator, the
 Marshall Islands
Message from Nagasaki (Nagasaki Organizing Committee)

Speeches by overseas delegates
- Margaret Engel, Peace Action New York, U.S.

- Reiner Braun, No NATO Campaign, Germany
- TBC (France)

- Oleg Bodrov, North-West Russia Peace Movement/ Public Council of the Southern
Coast of the Gulf of Finland, Russia

- Sean Conner, Executive Director, International Peace Bureau (IPB)
Speeches by Japanese grass-roots representatives:

- Akamine Seiken, Member of the House of Representatives/ JCP
- Struggles in Kyushu area against massive military buildup

- Young delegates of New Japan Women’s Association
Report on the conclusion of the “Peace Wave”

Adoption of the conference declaration
Proposal for future actions

Closing remarks/ Finale

Japan Council against A and H Bombs (Gensuikyo) :

Tel: +81-3-5842-6034  Fax: +81-3-5842-6033  Email: [email protected]

Heiwa-to-Rodo-Center 6F, 2-4-4, Yushima, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8464 JAPAN

Hiroshima atomic bomb survivor Hideko Tamura clips from 'To End All War: Oppenheimer'

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  • Pamela Richard
    published this page 2023-05-25 14:26:59 -0500