Going to the mountain for Assange

Sep 13, 2023

"Documents released by Wikileaks were damaging and embarrassing for the US intelligence services; hence their ongoing, relentless attempts to secure Assange’s extradition to the US from the UK to face charges under the Espionage Act." - Monique Ryan MP

Later this month I’ll travel to Washington, as part of a Parliamentary delegation, to advocate on behalf of Julian Assange. The Parliamentary delegation includes representatives from across the political colour spectrum – Forest Green (senior Nationals member Barnaby Joyce), Green (Senators Peter Whish-Wilson and David Shoebridge), Red (Labor backbencher Tony Zappia), Navy Blue (Liberal member Alex Antic) and Teal. This alliance, unlikely as it might appear, reflects the relative unity of Australian opinion about Julian Assange and his fate. While we might not agree with his actions – and we might not like how he’s comported himself in the past – 79% of Australians believe it’s past time for Julian Assange to be freed.


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