On Tuesday, January 19, at 5 PM PT/8 PM ET, in anticipation of the January 25 World Says No to War on Yemen Global Day of Action, CODEPINK Congress will feature two Yemen experts, Dr. Aisha Jumaan and Hassan El-Tayyab.
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Dr. Aisha Jumaan is a Yemeni-American epidemiologist and president of the Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Foundation. With firsthand knowledge of conditions on the ground, she will talk about the dire consequences of the U.S. support for the Saudi-UAE assault on Yemen.
Hassan El-Tayyab is the lead Middle East lobbyist for the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL). He played a major role in the successful passage of the 2019 War Powers Resolution to end US military aid to the Saudi-UAE coalition’s war in Yemen, which was vetoed by President Trump. He is continuing his work to ensure an end to US participation in the Yemen war under the Biden administration.
Following our guests’ presentations and Q & A, we will host our Capitol Hill Calling Party to urge our reps to support the removal of Trump’s designation of the Houthis in Yemen as terrorists. Such a designation
would have serious humanitarian repercussions.
Join us in making sure that Biden keeps his promise to stop US support for the catastrophic war on Yemen. Contact marcy@codepink with questions and RSVP now!
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