n End the Escalating Genocide in Southern Cameroons-Ambazonia (formerly West Cameroon)

n End to the Escalating Genocide in Southern Cameroons-Ambazonia (formerly West Cameroon)

Support US in Seeking an End to the Escalating Genocide in Southern Cameroons-Ambazonia (formerly West Cameroon)

The West Cameroon Association of Wisconsin is a group of US citizens connected to the English-speaking regions of Cameroon (formerly known as Southern Cameroons or West Cameroon) through biological ancestry, social relationships or business interests. The association has over a thousand members throughout the State of Wisconsin, majority of whom live in the Milwaukee metropolitan area. We network strongly with many other community groups within the state.

Southern Cameroons (also known as West Cameroon and currently called Ambazonia) was a former United Nations Trust Territory under British colonial rule until 1961 when she gained independence and joined the French Republic of Cameroon in a federal union of two equal states each with its own autonomy. The Republic of Cameroon broke international law by unilaterally dissolving this UN-mandated federal state, annexed and disbanded the Southern [West] Cameroons state government. To this day the English-speaking minority of Southern Cameroons (former West Cameroon) have been victim to severe marginalization by the French majority in the Republic of Cameroon. This has led to a movement to restore the independent state of Southern Cameroons (which adopted the name Ambazonia to clearly distinguish it from the Republic of Cameroon). This peaceful political and legal revolution was met with brutal repression by the military of the Republic of Cameroon since October 2016 Civilians responded by organizing self-defense groups to protect their communities. The wanton violation of basic human rights has deteriorated into armed conflict and genocide carried by Republic of Cameroon army on civilians in the English-speaking regions. The situation continues to get more dire.

Despite calls for inclusive dialogue and de-escalation of the conflict by the international community including the United States Government and UN Security Council the government of the republic of Cameroon has refused to initiate peace talks with the political leaders of the English-speaking regions. Due to the current crisis Cameroon has lost its position as a vital partner to the United States in promoting security in the Central and West African region.

West Cameroon Humanitarian crisis in numbers:

  • Over 1 million displaced people
  • Estimated 20,000 civilians killed in armed conflict
  • 32 villages burned down by Cameroon military (sometimes with people incinerated in homes)
  • Multiple mass graves uncovered
  • Attacks and destruction on churches, hospitals and schools

We are asking that you please help us as your fellow constituents through the following actions:

  • Add your voice to the call for Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield at the UN to lead an effort to pass a resolution at the UN Security Council calling for an end to the violence, to include a mandate for the establishment of an Independent International Fact Finding Mission to determine the facts and circumstances of the humanitarian catastrophe in the English-speaking regions of Cameroon. The establishment of such a mission will have the immediate effect of dissipating much of the violence on the ground and the saving of innocent lives as was the case in Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and more recently Libya.

Thank you very much for your consideration.

On behalf of West Cameroon Association of Wisconsin

[email protected]


George Azeh               Dr. Tonga Nfor            Dr. Zacharia Nchinda

President                      Coordinator                 Board Member

Tel: 414-544-3890       Tel: 651-263-2220       Tel. 414 350 3971


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  • Pamela Richard
    published this page in Articles 2021-03-31 10:26:18 -0500