Starvation War Being Waged on Cuba by the US

One terrible but undeclared war is being forced upon the Cuban people by the U.S.:  starvation.  Trump tightened the already powerful blockade by the U.S. around the island, that has beggared the people and was causing malnutrition for decades.  Biden reopened the American consulate in Havana but did not ease the blockade.  Instead it seems more destructive than ever. 

 Yosy Perez in Habana, who is a staff member of Radio-TV Cuba, messaged us:

In all of Cuba, there is literally no food... and the little that there is is sold in MLC, a currency that nobody has access to, if you don't have a relative abroad to send it to you, the only thing the government has given for the whole month, it has been two packages of hash, one of sausages and a bottle of oil, the chicken has not come, and no one has given an explanation of why, since the chicken comes from the United States.

The food situation in Cuba is now critical, red alert...the prices are impossible to pay for a normal worker like me for example.

There is even a report from Unicef and the UN about this... so imagine, the simplest: milk and eggs are impossible to buy, since they cost both products, cheap anywhere in the world, here it is half the salary of a worker, a kilo of milk costs 1,900 pesos, someone who earns 3,000 pesos cannot drink milk, an egg carton with 30 eggs between 2,000 and 2,500, impossible.

And what to tell you about a package of chicken on the black market, a one-kilo package of chicken is between 3,000 and 3,500.

And I am not exaggerating, all prices are through the roof... and the government does nothing to lower them, just more repression.

The current Cuban reality is very sad.

That is why there has been so much emigration, it is impossible to live in a country that does not guarantee basic food, and everyone who can escape does.

It's not only food, but also medicine a has been prevented from reaching Cuba. Two years ago, it became impossible to get aspirin --plain aspirin-- anywhere in Cuba.  Yosy's stepfather, a vigorous excellent man of 70, was prescribed one aspirin a day for his heart condition.  We tried everything we could think of, to get aspirin to these friends, but none of the companies by which we send orders of food, had any aspirin.  Her stepfather died of a heart attack after several months without aspirin.  

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  • Pamela Richard
    published this page in Blog 2023-06-06 10:56:16 -0500